Nothing to eat or drink for eight hours before surgery. Not even water, gum, candy, mints etc. (Surgery will not be performed if taken)
No smoking at least 48 hours before anesthesia.
Take preoperative medications as listed on your “Individualized Medication Plan.” You may not need to take any medications. Please refer to your plan.
Sedatives such as Valium may be prescribed to be taken the night prior to surgery and /or the morning of surgery. (If so take with a sip of water)
Some medicines should not be stopped such as heart medicines please discuss all your regular medications with your surgeon. Take with a sip of water 2 hours prior to surgery.
If you need antibiotic prophylaxis for a heart condition, prosthetic implant such as a hip-joint or a heart valve or because of immune system compromise then inform me well before the procedure. We can give that medication via the I.V. at the time of surgery.
Antibiotic: Start first dose one day prior to surgery, if prescribed. But do not take any the morning of the surgery. This will be given through your IV during surgery. (i.e.; Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Cephalexin, Clindamycin).
Discontinue all herbal medications and vitamin supplements except for a small daily multivitamin 2 days prior to surgery if possible.
A responsible adult must accompany the patient. The person must be able to drive because the patient will not be allowed to drive for 24 hours. Someone must watch the patient for at least 8 hours after the surgery. They cannot be dropped off alone.
Loose clothes should be worn to facilitate starting an intravenous line in the patient's upper arm, and to place monitors on the chest. Flat comfortable shoes should also be worn.
If you have a severe cold, sore throat or sinus infection with excessive drainage prior to surgery please call the office to inform the doctor. He may want to see you in advance of the procedure or reschedule until after you have recovered.
No makeup or jewelry should be worn on the day of surgery. In particular at least one fingernail should be without nail polish to facilitate monitor placement.